Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Proverb A Day Keeps the Foolishness Away #20

Some of the illustrations Solomon gives us are so graphic you can almost taste them - Like Proverbs 20:17:
Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man,
    but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.
The theme here is considering the consequences. Here in verse 17 it is about honesty but we also find it before and after this verse. Solomon also talks about drinking(v.1), laziness (v.4), patience (v.21) and making promises (v.25). Every day we make decisions about these things and establish convictions about them. Often, we do not have time to procrastinate in making them, but we always must consider the consequences, both for ourselves and for those around us. One key, in verse 22, is to "Wait for the LORD." Make sure that you are including Him and His Wisdom in the process.
Questions: What decision have I made recently which at the time made sense, but left my "mouth filled with gravel"?  What did I fail to consider? What can I do to build in a moral and ethical filter into the decisions I must make daily, and often promptly? Do I consider the consequences?

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