Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Proverb A Day... #26

If there was ever a Proverb given for the age of Facebook, it is this one in Proverbs 26:
17 Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own
    is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears.
We said earlier in our series that sometimes we must be willing and prepared to confront others when it is appropriate; we must not "avoid conflict at all costs." But life is lived in a balance. Sometimes we go looking for trouble; we feel it is our "responsibility" to address every statement with which we disagree, no matter how important or insignificant it may be.  Again, Solomon uses very vivid imagery: be sure such comments will come back to bite you.  When we feel we must comment, we stir up strife, cause division, and don't do anything to improve our reputation, which we talked about the other day.
Questions: When recently have I spoken up and cause unnecessary friction, hurt, or offence? What were the short-term results of my meddling? What are or could be the long-term ramifications? 

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