Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates reproof is stupid.
Wow... how is that to start out a chapter? No one likes to be called stupid. It's considered to be rude, inappropriate, and politically incorrect to say such a thing. But in this case, it's true. How well we receive correction, reprove and rebuke will determine a lot about our success in life. If we pursue the wrong things, head down the wrong path, use our words in the wrong way, and then refuse to be confronted about the consequences, we will not only mess up ourselves but those around us. Verse 26 reminds us:
One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor,
but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Stupidity spreads, but so can wisdom. We need to be devoted to non-stupidity, both for us and those around us. The way to do that is to embrace wisdom, to accept correction, and even be willing to ask for it.
Questions: How well, or poorly, do I accept correction from my boss/teacher/parent? How well do I accept it from by spouse/friends/co-workers? How about my kids or others for whom I am responsible? Do I idly watch while those around me run off and do something stupid, or do I come beside them?