Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How low can you go?

 The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
(Matthew 23:11-12 ESV)
When Christ said these well-known words, he was confronting the self-righteousness of the Pharisees in what we call "the seven woes."  Though they are a rebuke, they are a loving compassionate rebuke, as if Jesus is saying: "You just don't get it."  The first thing we need to get as a follower of Christ is that we have no reason to boast about being a believer.  The first and foremost characteristic of a disciple is to follow in His humility - to not show off , but to lay low.  "How low can we go" is not a bad thing - it's a measure of how serious we are about following Jesus.

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