Saturday, March 24, 2018

Do Nothings

If you do nothing in a difficult time,
your strength is limited.
Rescue those being taken off to death,
and save those stumbling toward slaughter.
If you say, “But we didn’t know about this,”
won’t He who weighs hearts consider it?
Won’t He who protects your life know?
Won’t He repay a person according to his work?

(Proverbs 24:10-12)
One of the biggest dangers God's people face is to do nothing. We can be so focused on not doing evil that we fail to do what is good.  As Scripture shows us and the Son demonstrated while here with us, compassion, mercy and justice matter to God. A phrase I learned early line life is this: "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."  We cannot hide our heads in the sand and say we did not know. We cannot ignore corruption, abortion, abuse, human trafficking, or any other number of issues in our world today.  Alone we cannot solve them all, but together, as God's people, we can be salt and light.  The final consideration about "doing nothing" is that when we sit around doing nothing about evil and focus on the bad things we do not do, we ultimately end up doing some kind of evil ourselves.  Do good. Seek justice. Love mercy. Get up and walk with God.

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