Monday, March 17, 2014

The Hard, High and Holy Calling of a P.K.

On the celebration of our youngest son's birthday, I am reminded of how hard it can be to be a P.K. (Preacher's Kid). Not only do we have five; I am one myself. As a P.K., you don't just have to measure up to your parents' standards; you have to measure up to those of dozens of on-looking families. You end up doing all sorts of things no other kid has to do (clean when no-one else will; listen to EVERY message of the preacher; be at church when no one else comes.) But you also GET to do these things. You get to see what no one else does. It is a high and holy calling to be in the home committed to serving the Lord and others. It is not that the preacher is perfect (just ask my kids), but God has placed us in a privileged (though in a sense, spiritually dangerous) place. I have to truly say, as hard as it is, I am thankful for the calling, and thankful for each of our wonderful kids. Happy birthday Son. Love all of you kids.

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