Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fan That Flame!

II Timothy 1:3 I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. 4 As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, 7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

One of the most intimate spiritual relationships described in the New Testament is that of Paul and Timothy. Paul considered Timothy to be a son, and as he thought of him remembered the tears shed at their parting. But he also remembered his strong faith and stable spirituality, as well as his willingness to step up into ministry. Therefore, he lovingly wiped his tears and challenged Timothy to remain strong in the task entrusted to him.  As Paul proceeds into the chapter he reminds Timothy that many had abandoned him, leaving him to stand alone against critics, false teachers, and opponents of the Gospel. Timothy could expect the same.  But Paul also reminded him (and us) that we also have the truth of God's Word, the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, and loving brothers and sisters who do stand with us in the faith. We are not alone, unloved, or powerless. God will be faithful; may we be faithful also.

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