Sunday, May 26, 2024

From Hidden to Hallelujah...


Psalm 64:1 Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint;
    preserve my life from dread of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
    from the throng of evildoers,
3 who whet their tongues like swords,
    who aim bitter words like arrows,
4 shooting from ambush at the blameless,
    shooting at him suddenly and without fear.
5 They hold fast to their evil purpose;
    they talk of laying snares secretly,
thinking, “Who can see them?”
6     They search out injustice,
saying, “We have accomplished a diligent search.”
    For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep.
7 But God shoots his arrow at them;
    they are wounded suddenly

Psalm 65:12 The pastures of the wilderness overflow,
    the hills gird themselves with joy,
13 the meadows clothe themselves with flocks,
    the valleys deck themselves with grain,
    they shout and sing together for joy.

In the first of these two psalms of David we find him crying out to God for protection from the whispering lies of his enemies.  They are shooting arrows he cannot fight back against, so he askes God to fight for him.  In the second psalm above David begins by mentioning that God has answered his prayer, and then goes on to say that this same God is the awesome Creator of all that exists. But then end of the psalm we have all of creation praying Him as Protector and Provider.  May we do the same

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