17 “You shall not pervert the justice due to the sojourner or to the fatherless, or take a widow's garment in pledge, 18 but you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you from there; therefore I command you to do this. 19 “When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. 20 When you beat your olive trees, you shall not go over them again. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow. 21 When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you shall not strip it afterward. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow. 22 You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I command you to do this. (Deuteronomy 24)
When it comes to the commandments of God for His people, it is important for us to keep in mind the general reasons and character of God behind them. Big in His heart and mind is for us to remember - to remember how He has dealt with us, and to reflect His heart and behavior. He is just; He redeems - paying the price for our deliverance; He provides for the helpless and hopeless, with his provisions overflowing so that there is more than enough for all around us. We need to remember where He has brought us, and live out our thanksgiving through having a giving spirit to others. This cannot be legislated, but must come from the heart in response to His heart of giving, forgiving, and doing all He can to bless and do what is best for all under His care. Today, of all days, may we be thankful and giving.
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