Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Moved by fear.

25 And Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the hill country, and Laban with his kinsmen pitched tents in the hill country of Gilead. 26 And Laban said to Jacob, “What have you done, that you have tricked me and driven away my daughters like captives of the sword?27 Why did you flee secretly and trick me, and did not tell me, so that I might have sent you away with mirth and songs, with tambourine and lyre? 28 And why did you not permit me to kiss my sons and my daughters farewell? Now you have done foolishly. 29 It is in my power to do you harm. But the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, ‘Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.’ 30 And now you have gone away because you longed greatly for your father's house, but why did you steal my gods?” 31 Jacob answered and said to Laban, “Because I was afraid, for I thought that you would take your daughters from me by force.
(Genesis 31)
Jacob was a man defined by fear.  When he was younger, he thought he would be lacking something since he was the younger with his twin brother.  So out of fear he connived to get the blessing and birthright.  This led to him having to leave home.  Now, when he thinks it is time to move on again, it is fear that motivates him to sneak away, creating distrust.  Soon after, he would face his brother again, filled with fear. Later in life, he would be afraid to send his son Benjamin with his older brothers to Egypt, afraid that something would happen to him.  Finally, he ends up having  to move there himself, afraid they would die due to the family.  Fear moves - sometimes rightfully so - like to escape a volcano.  But sometimes we allow fear to move us away from where we should be, to do things we ought not to do.  Are you allowing fear to determine every move you make?  Or are you letting God use your fears to move you toward Him, and in the direction you should go?

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