Friday, May 25, 2018

Mouth Stoppers...

 stopped the mouths of lions... (Hebrews 11: 33)
We know of three places where this happened. First to surface in our memories is Daniel.  When He came out of the den, his first words to the king were that he had not spoken evil of the king - He was a man of character. God had built that into his life. This fact silenced false accusers.  Second is David.  He faced the lion to keep it away from the sheep. He mentioned that among his credentials as to why Saul should let him be the one to face Goliath, to silence those saying he was to young, small or not "man enough."  Third was Samson. Among his great feats of strength early in his life was wrestling a lion and winning.  He had the courage to face it head-on.  Each of these men of faith had these as a gift from God, which were needed when the occasion arose.  Each stopped the mouths of nay-sayers, as well as the mouths of lions.  So we can, and also should do, as followers of Christ.  Be ready, by living a life of faith and obedience, so that when the time comes, we show our faith, and silence the mouths of a finger-pointing, unbelieving world.  

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