Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"And the number one answer is..."

Numbers 21:4-9 From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom. And the people became impatient on the way. And the people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.” Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. And the people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.” So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. If the question of the TV gameshow Family Feud was: "What is the most prominent sin of God's people," the answer may well be "complaining." At this point Israel was well into their time of wilderness wandering. They had complained about the water numerous times, begged for something other than manna, rejected God's call to enter the Promised land because of "giants in the land," and constantly complained that things were better back in Egypt. And here they are again. Of course, they were not the originators of complaining. It was at the root of Satan's temptation in the garden: God provided in abundance every good thing, BUT He said we could not have the fruit of that one tree. Satan convinced Eve and Adam that God was just not fair; they had a valid complaint. So, are we going to jump on the bandwagon today? Or are we going to see complaining for the deep-seeded sin that it is?

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