Friday, November 9, 2018

Lesson 5: Is Faith Really that Crazy?

So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood at the door of Elisha's house. 10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” 11 But Naaman was angry and went away, saying, “Behold, I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call upon the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and cure the leper. 12 Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be clean?” So he turned and went away in a rage.13 But his servants came near and said to him, “My father, it is a great word the prophet has spoken to you; will you not do it? Has he actually said to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” 14 So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. (II Kings 5)
This is one of the most memorable accounts of the Old Testament. Naaman, a great and well-respected leader was stricken with leprousy. On a tip from his wife's Jewish servant girl, he had heard of the power of Elisha, servant of God. Based on that tip, he made this journey, only to find out the King was unaware of how to find Elisah.  Fortunately, God knew how to connect the two. But now, Naaman was called upon to do something humbling and crazy. This whole story was getting too crazy for him.  But his servants knew a thing or two about humility, and encouraged him to comply.  Crazy faith and humility work well together. He was healed.  Do God's instructions and leadings sometimes seem too crazy to you? That just may mean it's exactly the thing you need to do. 

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