Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lord, help me understand...

Matthew 9:14 Then John’s disciples came and asked him, “How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?” This was no question "out of the blue". Jesus and His disciples are feasting with Matthew and his sinner friends. They were enjoying life to the full - food, fellowship, (and maybe some good music!) For the followers of John the Baptist, spiritual growth was a lot more about what they did NOT do. They fasted; they denied themselves of the modern conveniences of the big city; theirs was a quiet religious experience. They were doing it right as those who were humbly repenting and preparing for the coming Messiah. Why was Jesus different. Just as troubling was the fact that the Pharisees fasted faithfully, even if it was fake, just for appearances. Should they be fasting or not? We always need to beware comparing our spiritual experience with that of others. The truth is, for the disciples of John and the disciples of Jesus, they were both doing the right thing for where they were in the plan of God. That's the question we need to bring to Jesus: Not "Are they doing what You want?", but "Am I doing what you want?"

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