Friday, May 31, 2019

Passing the Buck Continues...

62 The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate 63 and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise.’ 64 Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and the last fraud will be worse than the first.” 65 Pilate said to them, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can.” 66 So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard. (Matthew 27)
Even after His death and burial, the religious leaders refused to take responsibility for their actions.  Rather than hang around a grave, and make themselves ceremonially unclean, they wanted Pilate and his Roman guards to do so. Claiming some possible commotion by an empty tomb, they convinced him to take responsiblity.  These soldiers must have thought: "What an easy assignment."  I could end up being a deadly one if their prisoner escaped. Here's the thinkg about rejecting responsibility: once we do so, it can become addictive.  Don't start a bad practice today. Or maybe, don't start the habit. 

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