On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance (Luke 17:11-12 ESV)
As Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem, He had moved off the route through Samaria, the land of rejects, and was taking the road more traveled. But even there, he was confronted with more of the outcasts of society - lepers. There is just no escaping needy people. They are everywhere, if WE are just willing to open our eyes and see them. We are not to be like the rich man who had Lazarus on his doorstep, but was totally oblivious to him and his needs. Who will we trip over today, right under our noses, whom God has placed there to get our attention, yet we go on as if they did not exist?
Great reminder! I've been praying for open eyes to see the needs on my trip, but need to pray for open eyes now, before I leave!