Monday, March 3, 2025

No Dead Spots!


Jonah 2:1 Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish, 
2 saying,
“I called out to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me;
out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice.
3 For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas,
    and the flood surrounded me;
all your waves and your billows passed over me.
4 Then I said, ‘I am driven away from your sight;
yet I shall again look upon your holy temple.’
Almost everyone can remember the cell phone carrier commercial with the repeated phrase: "Can you hear me now?" There are some places which are so remote or inside certain kinds of structures, or in between cell towers, that there is no reception.  There is no place from which God cannot hear the prayer of one Who cries out to Him.  Even rebellious prophets like Jonah.  We like to pick on him, but we are no better. But we also can expect the same response he had when he called out to God. God heard and He acted.  Communication was restored and God was glorified.  God's receptivity is just as good and faithful today.

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