Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Big Ten #9

Exodus 20:16 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Truth-telling is almost a lost art.  From the time of the Garden, when Satan twisted the truth and Adam and Eve stretched it, we have found as many ways possible to avoid telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  The command here specifically is about giving false testimony as to what another person has done or what was done to them, thus denying them the justice they deserve. It either causes them harm or robs them of something rightfully theirs. That may make it sound like we are not bound to tell the truth in other situations, but the reality is: if we do not speak truth consistently, we will naturally not tell the truth in times like this "when it really matters."  We will also gain a reputation as untrustworthy, which will devalue our words and our effectiveness as a witness.  The bottom line is, truth-telling always matters, even if it does not end us up in jail for perjury. Lies make people suffer loss.

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