After all the grand display at the Christ Child's arrival: the angelic messages, the report of the shepherds, the proclamations at the Temple, and the coming of the Magi, the early life of Jesus is summarized in one verse:
Luke 2: 40 And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.
Inquiring minds want to know: what was Jesus' childhood like. In a society where we seek to give our children so much: toys, gadgets, education, sports, dance, music, and every possible experience, we forget that when they grow up, most of those things get left behind. When they enter adulthood, they move on. So as much as we want to know, we do not need to know. All we need to know is this: Jesus went through the same physical, mental and spiritual development as any other child who is born, yet, He was special. God's favor, His mark was upon Him in a way like no other. As we will see as we move on, Luke keeps the perfect balance in His presentation of the facts: Jesus was truly human, yet truly God come to earth. It doesn't matter so much if He came from Jerusalem, Bethlehem, or Nazareth, as much as He came from heaven to live with us here, just like we do. Because He did, that makes all the difference.
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