15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. (I Thessalonians 5)
This missionary trio has presented a major production of truth, and is now concluding with some small individual min-messages on other issues. One major issue in our lives and therefore the church is The Blame Game. When we live life with others, there is often friction, and things do not always go "our way." Rather than come to "one mind" people often turn on each other. This is diametrically opposed to the Spirit of the Body of Christ. We should always want, speak, and do what is good for one another. When we fail, when life does not go our way, when someone hurts our feelings, our goal should not be to retaliate or make someone else look bad so we look better; we should seek good. Once we "practice on one another" such love and grace, it will be much easier to do so toward a not-so-forgiving world, which desperately needs to see Christ at work. Let's show the world what Christ can do.