When they came to the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant who was with him, “Come, let us go back, lest my father cease to care about the donkeys and become anxious about us.” But he said to him, “Behold, there is a man of God in this city, and he is a man who is held in honor; all that he says comes true. So now let us go there. Perhaps he can tell us the way we should go.” Then Saul said to his servant, “But if we go, what can we bring the man? For the bread in our sacks is gone, and there is no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?” The servant answered Saul again, “Here, I have with me a quarter of a shekel of silver, and I will give it to the man of God to tell us our way.” (Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he said, “Come, let us go to the seer,” for today's “prophet” was formerly called a seer.) And Saul said to his servant, “Well said; come, let us go.” So they went to the city where the man of God was.
As they went up the hill to the city, they met young women coming out to draw water and said to them, “Is the seer here?” They answered, “He is; behold, he is just ahead of you. Hurry. He has come just now to the city, because the people have a sacrifice today on the high place. As soon as you enter the city you will find him, before he goes up to the high place to eat. For the people will not eat till he comes, since he must bless the sacrifice; afterward those who are invited will eat. Now go up, for you will meet him immediately.” So they went up to the city. As they were entering the city, they saw Samuel coming out toward them on his way up to the high place.
(1 Samuel 9:5-14 ESV)
Israel wanted, and was promised, a king. How do you get a king when you've never had one before? God has a plan for everything; He writes a fascinating story line. Saul just "happened" to be in the area searching for lost sheep, a good ways from home. His servant just "happened" to remember talk of some prophet in the area who gave wise advice. They just "happened" to come at the very hour of a very special sacred sacrifice. Just by chance? God doesn't work that way. His providence is amazing. What is amazing is that we do not realize it more often. What is startling is how often God puts the answers -and the possibilities - right in front of us, and we ignore them, and Him. May we see and stand in awe of the God of no coincidences.