Matthew 27:6-10 The high priests picked up the pieces of silver and said, “It is not lawful to put this into the Temple treasury, because it is blood money.” So they decided to use the money to buy the Potter’s Field as a burial ground for foreigners. That is why that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. Then what had been declared through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled when he said,“They took the 30 pieces of silver,the value of the man on whom a price had been set by the Israelis, and they gave them for the potter’s field,as the Lord commanded me.”
The council had a problem - money thrown into the temple. They were too self-righteous to accept this gift; after all, it had be gotten by agreement to betray an innocent man. They had to find some "good work" to us it for, so they did not defile the temple ministry. But where had the money come from? Them, taken from the temple treasury. They were the ones who took God's money and turned it into "blood money." How hypocritical is that? How do we do the same thing???
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