That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, “What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?” And they stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” (Luke 24:13-18 ESV)
To be sure, all of the disciples were puzzled over the occurances of Resurrection Day. Even though they had Jesus' promises that this would happen, it was a mind-boggling event. What is so telling is how these two, like we often do, think that this Stranger is the one who is deaf and blind to reality. We often fail to see God at work right in front of us. In reality, we act is if we know more than He does. We definitely need a much more humble approach, as we step back, shut up, and let Him explain.
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