Exodus 3:24,25
And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel-and God knew.This is one of a few passages where we find together God seeing, hearing, and knowing. When we see any of them individually, God is about to do something. When we see all three, He is about to do something big. The Exodus was such a time. The picture here is not that God just “took a glance.” He intently looked at His people with a heart and mind to interact and involve Himself above and beyond His usual daily providence. Often times we wonder if God sees and cares about us in the tough times of life. We ignore the fact that He is already providing, protecting, and presenting Himself to us for interaction on a daily basis. We are then surprised at times like these, when God goes ahead and speaks more loudly and clearly and visually (as we’ll see in chapter 3), and struggle to find the faith to believe. God sees our suffering – every bit of it, and as the Psalmist says: our tears are in His bottle. Live life today believing and trusting His is watching.